Ramp time weighting (G132/G133/G134/G233/G338/G339)

Syntax of weightings for ramp time:

G132 <axis_name>.
          { <axis_name>..}

Axis-specific ramp time weighting, weighting for specific axes in [%], only acts on feed blocks G1/G2/G3.



Axis group-specific ramp time weighting with G01, G02, G03, weighting for all axes in [%]



Axis group-specific weighting of geometrical ramp time, weighting for all axes in [%]



Axis group-specific ramp time weighting with G00, weighting for all axes in [%]


Weightings for ramp times in feedhold:

G338 <axis_name>.
          { <axis_name>..}

Axis-specific ramp time weighting with feedhold, weighting for specific axes in [%]    [as of V3.1.3079.16]



Axis group-specific ramp-time weighting with feedhold, weighting for all axes in [%]    [as of V3.1.3079.16]


These ramp times can be influenced by a percentage change in the corresponding default ramp times. The G132/G133/G233 functions can change the ramp time of axis acceleration with a non-linear slope [2]-1. (If the slope is linear, the acceleration curve is step-shaped (see figure in Section Jerk-limiting slope)

The G134 function can change the geometrical ramp time of a non-linear slope (P-AXIS-00199).

The parameters for acceleration ramp times for the up-gradation and down-gradation of acceleration are P-AXIS-00196 and P-AXIS-00195 respectively, and for the up-gradation and down-gradation of deceleration, the parameters are P-AXIS-00198 and P-AXIS-00197 respectively.

When P-CHAN-00097 is set, the feedhold parameter list is used for the deceleration process. In this case, the deceleration of the feedhold ramp P-AXIS-00081 by a percentage change using G338/G339.

When the function is programmed with G132/G133/G134/G233/G338/G339, all axes which are not programmed or not yet programmed are set to 100%. Every additional selection of these functions, irrespective of previous programming, refers to 100%. This means that geometrical data processing always weights default values with the percentage value. Therefore, 50% programmed twice in succession means the setting is made to 50% and not to 25%.



After an axis exchange, the G132/G333 weighting factors are reset for all axes involved to 100%.



Ramp time weighting does not act on single axis motions e.g. homing, manual more an independent axes.

Programing Example


Ramp time weighting (G132/G133/G134/G233/G338/G339)

N10 G132 X200

;Axis-specific weighting of ramp time

;Ramp time of X axis is increased by 200%

N20 G01 F1000 X100

;Linear interpolation

N30 G132 Y50

;Ramp time of Y axis is decreased by 50%

;Ramp time of X axis remains at 200%

N40 Y100

;Linear interpolation

N50 G133 = 100

;Axis group-specific weighting of ramp time

;G01,G02,G03 ramp times of all axes to 100%

N60 G134 = 50

;Axis group-specific weighting of ramp time

;Geometrical ramp time of all axes to 50%

N70 G233 = 80

;Axis group-specific weighting of ramp time

;G00 ramp times of all all axes to 80%

N80 G00 X200

;Rapid traverse

N90 G338 X150

;Axis-specific weighting of ramp time

;with feedhold. Ramp time of X axis is increased to


N100 G339 = 200

;Axis group-specific weighting of ramp time

;with feedhold. Ramp time of all axes is increased to


Special feature:

N50 G133 = 100 X10 Y20

;With G133/ G134/G233/G339 axis positions can

;also be programmed in the same block!

Example of ramp time weighting with G132/G133/G233
Example of ramp time weighting with G132/G133/G233

The figure below shows the influence of G134 on acceleration perpendicular to the path (centrifugal acceleration a1--> a2) with increasing feed (v1 --> v2) during circular motion (P1 --> P2).

If the change in centrifugal acceleration is reduced by increasing the G134 ramp time, acceleration is smoother and target acceleration a2 is not reached until point P3.

Ramp time weighting with G134 and with circular interpolation
Ramp time weighting with G134 and with circular interpolation