ID 60296

Invalid dynamic parameters for spindle.


Rotating tools can be provided with dynamic limit data in the tool parameters. With the tool change (D, T) and the CNC command S[GET_DYNAMIC_DATA]ur(*) for activating the tool dynamics limit data, the maximum spindle speed P-TOOL-00014 and maximum acceleration P-TOOL-00015 of the tool are set in the spindle interpolator. Parameter setting of tool dynamic data is only necessary and effective if the logical axis number of assigned spindle is not zero.

Here we have either a wrong parameter setting of dynamic data, maybe the values are smaller than minimum value or the activation of invalid dynamic data was commanded.

(*)example for spindle named S




Motion stop of CNC, spindle stop




Correctly assign dynamic data in the tool




Logical axis number (P-AXIS-00016) of the concerned spindle axis.


Current value [-]

Maximum value for tool rotational speed


Lower limit value [-]

Maximum value for tool rotational acceleration


Current value [-]



Lower limit value [-]


Error type

1, Error message from NC program.