Numerator equivalent time constant for feedforward control of acceleration (P-AXIS-00225)
P-AXIS-00225 | Numerator equivalent time constant for feedforward control of acceleration | |
Description | The acceleration command variable is weighted by the mechanical time constant of the drive. The drive is modelled here as a first-order time delay element (see figure of the conventional feedforward control). The following transfer function in the Laplace range is obtained:
P-AXIS-00226: time constant denominator. | |
Parameter | vorsteuer.vs_a_faktor | |
Data type | SGN32 | |
Data range | 0 ≤ vs_a_faktor ≤ MAX(SGN32) | |
Axis types | T, R, S | |
Dimension | T: µs | R,S: µs |
Default value | 1 | |
Drive types | ---- | |
Remarks |