
Depending on the NC program used, many successive acceleration and deceleration processes are possible during machining. This leads to an unsettled velocity curve, to oscillations and therefore to greater stress on the machine.

The aim of the velocity smoothing functionality is to counteract this.

The aims in detail:


The functionality must be enabled by the channel parameter P-CHAN-00600.

configuration.path_preparation.function FCT_DEFAULT | FCT_VSM

Operation mode of velocity smoothing

The velocity smoothing function considers cross-block motion blocks and reduces the maximum path velocities to a local minimum, if necessary, by adjusting them. The function acts exclusively on the maximum permissible path velocity of each block and therefore on the transition velocity of the motion blocks.

Velocity smoothing gives preference to blocks where a reduced increase in machining time is achieved by decreasing path velocity instead of reducing blocks with a longer machining time.

The smoothing effect of the function is negligible with NC programs that have many block transition velocities close to or equal to 0.



Smoothing the path velocity curve also means a longer machining time.

Properties of velocity smoothing