Output variables




X coordinate of the bottom left corner of the character box


Y coordinate of the bottom left corner of the character box


X coordinate of the top right corner of the character box


Y coordinate of the top right corner of the character box

Type of output

The parameter @P71 determines the type of output. The output variables are assigned independent of this parameter in every case.

By default, @P71 = 0 outputs the cycle G code and the machine executes the corresponding movements.

If @P71 = 1 is set, only the output variables are assigned and every further output is suppressed. In particular, the machine does not move. This mode can be used to execute only one size request, for example. How big is the letter "Ä" in font size 1? How big is the character box for the text "ISG kernel" in font size 1?

Programing Example



; create output variables







; no output

L CYCLE [NAME  = "SysMillEngrave.ecy"      , \

          @P1  = 0                         , \

          @P2  = 2                         , \

          @P3  = 1                         , \

          @P4  = 1                         , \

          @P11 = 2000                      , \

          @P12 = 1000                      , \

          @P21 = "ISG kernel"              , \

          @P53 = 1       ( font size  ) , \

          @P71 = 1       ( no output ) , \


; output character box

#MSG SAVE EXCLUSIVE ["X coordinate of bottom left corner = "]

#MSG SAVE EXCLUSIVE ["%f",                V.CYC.SysRetBBoxMinX]

#MSG SAVE EXCLUSIVE ["Y coordinate of bottom left corner = "]

#MSG SAVE EXCLUSIVE ["%f",                V.CYC.SysRetBBoxMinY]

#MSG SAVE EXCLUSIVE ["X coordinate of top right corner = "]

#MSG SAVE EXCLUSIVE ["%f",                V.CYC.SysRetBBoxMaxX]

#MSG SAVE EXCLUSIVE ["Y coordinate of top right corner = "]

#MSG SAVE EXCLUSIVE ["%f",                V.CYC.SysRetBBoxMaxY]