
The SysMillFace cycle can be used to face mill a surface

Face milling process
Face milling process

It is also possible to program a number of different machining directions. The workpiece is always traversed to such an extent that the tool diameter always traverses the edge of the workpiece. With the parameter @P86, it is possible to mill in the middle of the defined plane surface fpr machining directions 1-4, regardless of the tool diameter. Optionally, a reciprocating infeed can be activated with parameter @P32 (2).

Center milling parameter
Center milling parameter

To avoid jerky movements in the milling path and thus reduce the load on the machine tool, it can be useful to activate polynomial overgrinding. This also accelerates the execution of the milling cycle.

A call of the milling cycle with polynomial contouring can look as follows:

#CONTOUR MODE [DEV, PATH_DEV = V.G.WZ_AKT.R / 10 ]  ( Parameterization )

G261                             ( Activation of polynomial contouring )

L CYCLE [NAME = SysMill... ]                                 ( Milling )

G260                           ( Deactivation of polynomial contouring )
