Kinematic structure, Axis configuration

Kinematic ID


Axis configuration of the kinematic
Axis configuration of the kinematic

Axis configuration in the NC channel

Axis identifier

X, Y, Z, A, B, C (G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6)

Axis index

0, 1, 2, 3, 4.5

Kinematic structure


Tool axes

Workpiece axes

NC axes

X, Y, Z, A, B, C



The articulated axes are numbered consecutively from 1 to 6 (starting with the first axis which rotates about the z axis of the Cartesian space coordinate system). The robot is in the zero position of the articulated axes.

Establish a continuous axis configuration with 6 axes X, Y, Z, A, B, C. corresponding to the axis sequence specified. Establish the correct mathematically positive rotation direction of the articulated axes according to the space coordinate system.

All articulated axes of the robot except for the hand axes A4 and A6 are linear axes. The axes G4 and G6 are modulo axes with ranges of 0 to 180, 0 to -180 degrees. If no trailing cables have to be taken into account, articulated axis G1 can also be set as a modulo axis.

Check whether the hand axes G4 to G6 are coupled mechanically via gearing. If this is the case, electronic gear compensation is necessary in the CNC!