Liability conditions

This description is solely intended for skilled technicians who were trained in control and automation systems and who are familiar with the applicable standards.

It is absolutely vital to refer to the instructions and explanations below to carry out installation and commissioning work:

Skilled technicians must ensure that the application or use of the products described fulfil all safety requirements including all applicable laws, regulations, provisions and standards.

This documentation was produced with utmost care. However, the products described are under continuous development. For this reason, the documentation may not be fully verified in every case for conformity with the specified performance data, standards and other features. None of the explanations contained in this manual represents a guarantee in the sense of Article 443 BGB (German Civil Code) for the purpose provided in the contract in the sense of Article 434 Para. 1 Clause 1, No. 1 BGB. If the documentation contains a technical error or typing error, we reserve the right to make changes at any time and without prior notice. No claims for modification may be made for products which have already been delivered if such claims are based on the specifications, figures and descriptions contained in this documentation.