Explanations about demo application

All steps required to use the kernelv DLL are executed in the demo application source code. Refer to the respective compiler documentation for further information on the operating system functions called.

Load DLL:

hDll = LoadLibrary(dll_name);

Query function pointers:

if ( !(pCycle = (KERNELV_CYCLE) GetProcAddress(hDll,
                              "kernelv_do_cycle"))  )
  printf("Missing pointer to kernelv_do_cycle()\n");
  return -2;

If the requested symbol is not defined in the DLL, a message is output and the application ends. Refer to the section 'kernelv API' in this document for details on how to use individual functions.

Main loop for handling user inputs and cyclic call of kernelv_do_cycle(). One CNC cycle is computed:
