Use of the demo application

The following steps are required to use the demo application:

  1. Unpack the demo.
  2. Copy the kernelv DLL and kernelv.h to the kernelv_demo directory that was created when unpacked.
  3. Compile and start the project. It can be started either in the Visual Studio debugger or by means of the kernelv_demo.bat file.

Start screen

After start, the screen below is displayed:

The start screen of the demo application
The start screen of the demo application

Keyboard commands




Starts the program. If no program name is specified, an attempt is made to start the NC program '’. A search for this is made in the './prg' directory.


Executes CNC reset.


Reads out and displays axis positions.


Quits the application


Status display

Display axis positions

The screen below appears after the supplied test program is executed and the axis positions are displayed:

Display axis positions in demo application
Display axis positions in demo application