Restart to the contour after block search

Move back to command position

Before normal machining can be resumed, the axes must be located back at the command positions of the NC program (restart to the contour).

This starting movement is executed either

Use of different tool radii
Use of different tool radii

As the above figure shows, the covered distance in the current block must be specified in per thousand relative to the entire block length since the absolute block lengths are different for circular blocks with different tool radii after block search.

Automatic restart to the contour

The automatically generated motion is moved in rapid traverse (G00).


Use of block search to restore the program context
Use of block search to restore the program context


Automatic restart = TRUE


Manual restart to the contour

If restart to the contour is executed manually and the axes are not repositioned exactly on the contour, an offset occurs between the command positions of the NC program and the actual positions. Here, the operator can specify the maximum permitted three-dimensional offset.

Manual restart to the contour
Manual restart to the contour


Maximum permitted offset after block search between command position and actual position




Backward motion is not possible with an offset > 0.



If an offset is active, please note the following in connection with software limit switch monitoring or collision monitoring:

The offset between the command positions and the actual position may result in SLS errors or collision errors although the actual positions are still within the valid range and no collision has occurred. Similarly, an SLS overshoot can not be detected in path preparation, only in the position controller. In this case, a collision cannot be detected in path preparation.