SERCOS with zero pulse latch with S-0-146

CNC-controlled homing with zero point latch by command S-0-146.

Encoder for homing is defined by reading out S-0-147. Bits 14 and 15 are used as real-time bits in the signal status and signal control word.

Excerpt from parameter list
kenngr.homing_type                       CNC_CONTROLLED

kenngr.homing_without_zero_pulse                      0

antr.sercos.drive_supports_cnc_homing                 1

antr.cnc_homing_encoder                               1

antr.sercos.cnc_homing_rt_bit_layout                 16

The following parameters must be assigned in the drive:

S-0-147: Bit 2  = 0, Bit 4 = 1 (bit numbers counted from 0 in each case).

S-0-27 (assign signal control word): List element 14 = 407,

                                                             List element 15 = 404.

S-0-26 (assign signal status word): List element 14 = 408,

                                                             List element 15 = 403.

S-0-144 and S-0-145 must be configured in the cyclic process data.