Partially dynamic elements

V.A variables and V.G variables form another group of elements.

A special feature of these variable types is that the name can consist of two parts: A static part and a dynamic part.

The static part of the variable name is read by its index. The dynamic part consists of either the axis name of the channel or of an array index. In rare cases a combination of the two is possible.

The axis name is affixed after the variable name (static part) separated by a dot. In case of an array variable the maximum valid index is transferred in the name. On access, the maximum index must be replaced by the required index.



Partially dynamic elements

Supplement variable by axis name

V.A variable: V.A.+SWE_MDS.X_ACHSE

Static part: V.A.+SWE_MDS

Dynamic part: X_AXIS

Rare case: Supplement array access + variable by axis name

V.G variable: V.G.NP[5].V.X_ACHSE

Static part: V.G.NP[5].V

Dynamic part: X_AXIS

Supplement by axis name

Supplementing by the axis name must always take place with V.A variables. The property “V.G node by index” for V.G variables indicates whether the variable must be supplemented by an axis name or not. An axis name must be affixed when the node has the value “V_AXIS_NAME”. A check can be made whether an array exists or not by searching the name for the characters “[“ or “]”.