ID 150105

Live cycle of key push finished.


One of the two incremental jog or continuous jog manual operation modes is activated for the axis. If these manual modes are active, movement of axis is controlled by input from keys.


A time period (number of CNC interpolator cycles) has been transmitted with the message to the CNC that a corresponding key has been pressed, at the end of which the CNC automatically generates the "End of keystroke" command and stops the path motion of the axis unless the corresponding "End of keystroke" message has previously been sent to the CNC.


Message occurs because after a “begin key stroke”-event time expires the given interval to send corresponding “end of key stroke”-event.





CNC internal creates the “end of key stroke”-event.

With continuous jog mode enabled, all axes to which this key is assigned and which are moved via this key will stop.

With incremental jog mode enabled, the axes will continue to move further if there is any distance to go of the jog step size. Therefore the event doesn't affect the movement of the axes.




To prevent this output of this message, the corresponding “End of button press” event must be sent to the CNC within the commanded “Duration of button press” after the message of a “Start of button press” event is sent to the CNC. As a remedy here, command

  • a longer “Duration of button press” to be sent to the CNC
  • or inform the CNC of the “End of button press” event at an earlier time than before.



Logical control element number [-]

P-MANU-00009: Number of logical button pair for which the “Duration of button press” expires.

Error type
