ID 70305

PROFIDRIVE axis is not ready at the end of the control start-up.


At start-up of the CNC, it is checked if the axis started up without error, and if the absolute positions could be read from the drive.

This did not happen within the given time.

For PROFIDRIVEs it is checked:

  • Axis is not in error state
  • Slave live sign is counting
  • The absolute position was read from the drive if it is set in the axis parameter list (see P-AXIS-00315)




Controlled halt of the axis, the control loop is closed.




Correct cause for the error message with the information of this error message.



Logical axis number [-]

Logical axis number of affected axis see P-AXIS-00016


Current value [-]

Error identifier. A value other than zero (nil) indicates an error in the axis.


Current value [-]

Axis status. If the axis was set up to read the absolute position from the drive and could successfully read the position bit 0x2000 is set.


Current value [-]

Value of P-AXIS-00315


Current value [-]

A value of 1 is an indication that the sign of life of the slave is incremented.

Error type
