Error message from NC program decoding

In the following example, the error information features simple formatting. It shows an error message in which an unknown G function has been programmed.

Version: V253_02R.001    Module: DIN_FKT1.C    (Date/Time): 0/144836


Unknown G function.


Error ID  : 20131       BF type: 9                    Channel ID: 1

Multiple ID: 0           Line  : 8605                 Commu ID: 32

Recovery class: 2       Reaction class: 2

------------------------ Root type:  1 --------------------------------

NC file    : log. path no. 9 ->

NC program: Timer1

Block number : 30          File offset: 72               Block offset: 29

-------------------------- NC block -----------------------------------

                       >     ?

N030 G91 X10 Y200 F100 G1234 G1

------------------ Output of values 1->5 ----------------------------

Wert_1: current value is 1234 [-]


Besides the display of internal control information, the following elements are important for diagnosis:

The incorrect location can be marked clearly by a suitable evaluation and presentation of the file and block offsets.