Technology function in single block

Programing Example


Technology function in single block

N10 G00 X0 Y0 Z0 G17

N20 F9000

N30 V.G.WZ_AKT.R=5     (Tool radius)

N40 G237               (perpendicular selection activated)

N60 G01 X10 Y10

; Corrected path

N50 G41 M7             (Select TRC left)

N55 M8 X70 Y30

N60 M7

N90 G40                (Deselect TRC)

N100 G90 X100 Y0

N110 X0

; Presentation of the original contour

N210 G01 X10 Y10

N220 X70 Y30

N240 X100 Y0

N270 G00 X0

N999 M30

Contour example with technology function in single block
Contour example with technology function in single block