Trim a contour (#HSC ON/OFF)



                              [AUTO_OFF_TRACK=..] [AUTO_OFF_G00=..] [AUTO_OFF_G60=..]

                              [MAX_PATH_LENGTH=..] [MAX_ANGLE=..] ] ]


Enable HSC programming.


Disable HSC programming.


Keyword for HSC programming with BSPLINE. Must always be programmed as first keyword.


Maximum deviation of B spline from programmed path contour in [mm, inch *]. The spline is deselected automatically if this deviation is exceeded. If the maximum deviation is defined as 0, path deviation is not monitored.

Default value: 0.2 mm

*when P-CHAN-00439 is active


Maximum deviation of tracking axes in [°]. If the maximum deviation is defined as 0, tracking axes is not monitored.

Default value: 5 °


Merge blocks. The maximum deviation is determined depending on the values taken from PATH_DEV and TRACK_DEV.

0: No block merging (default)

1: Merge blocks


Automatic block separation if the programmed B spline deviation of the main axes is exceeded (PATH_DEV).

0: No deselection if deviation is too large (default), block is separated

1: Deselect if deviation is too large


Automatic block separation if the programmed B spline deviation of the tracking axes is exceeded (TRACK_DEV).

0: No deselection if deviation is too large (default), block is separated

1: Deselect if deviation is too large


Automatic deselection of B spline interpolation for G00 blocks.

0: No implicit deselection due to rapid traverse block (default)

1: Implicit deselection due to a rapid traverse block


Automatic deselection of B Spline interpolation for programmed exact stop G60 or G360.

0: No implicit deselection due to exact stop (default)

1: Implicit deselection due to exact stop


Minimum path length of relevant blocks in [mm, inch *]. If blocks are longer than the specified length, the B Spline is deselected implicitly.

Default value: 0 mm (implicit deselection due to block length does not take place)

*when P-CHAN-00439 is active


Maximum contour knee angle in [°] for transitions between two linear blocks up to which a B spline is inserted. The B Spline is deselected internally if the angle between two linear blocks is greater.

Default value: 160 °

Control points are programmed with linear blocks (G00 and G01). Their target points are used as control points. It must be considered that only the start and end of the curve runs straight through the control points.



The parameters may also be specified in several steps. For example, this means that it is possible to first define the maximum contour deviation ("PATH_DEV "). Then in a second command, the maximum path length ("MAX_PATH_LENGTH ") and selection of B spline interpolation ("ON") are defined.



Parameterisation cannot be changed while B spline interpolation is active.

Programing Example


Trimming a contour

The spline curve is based on the control points N40 – N155 but in this case, the spline curve only runs straight through them at N20 and N150.

N20 G00 X0 Y0 Z0 F10000

N30 #HSC ON [BSPLINE PATH_DEV=0.2 MERGE=1 ...] Parametrisation + selection

N40   X3     Y25

N50   X15    Y15

N60   X23    Y12

N70   X25    Y25

N80   X30    Y35

N90   X50    Y37.5

N100  X55    Y32.5

N110  X58    Y12

N120  X70    Y12

N130  X77.5  Y10

N140  X90    Y35

N150  X100   Y37.5


N170 M30

... or also

N20  G00 X0 Y0 Z0 F10000

N25  #HSC [BSPLINE PATH_DEV=0.2 MERGE=1 ...] Parameterisation

N30 #HSC ON Selection

N40   X3     Y25

N50   X15    Y15

N60   X23    Y12

N70   X25    Y25

N80   X30    Y35

N90   X50    Y37.5

N100  X55    Y32.5

N110  X58    Y12

N120  X70    Y12

N130  X77.5  Y10

N140  X90    Y35

N150  X100   Y37.5

N160 #HSC OFF Deselect

N170 M30