Measuring systems, input and precision ranges

The measuring systems used to specify positions, angles and velocities are follows:


Lengths and positions:

mm or inch


Linear velocities:

mm or inch per s or min


.. or also application-specific:

m per min



deg or gon,


Angular velocity:

deg or gon per s or min.

In addition, the programmer has the freedom to apply self-defined measuring systems using parameter calculations.

All length specifications and linear velocities are calculated to a standard accuracy of 0.1 µm. The maximum path length that can be entered at this resolution is then -214 m... +214 m. Numerical inputs when programming may not exceed a range of -214 000.0000 mm to +214 000.0000 mm. This does not apply to individual elements (e.g. parameters) of an arithmetical expression if the result of the arithmetical expression is within the given range. It must be considered that the numerical range may not be exceeded even in combination with offsets and compensations.

Exception: The definition of a circle radius is possible up to maximum 109 mm. However, the target point of the arc must always be within the maximum path range (-2.14... +2.14) * 105 mm.

Enter the axis type in the channel parameter block. If the application involves a rotary axis (or spindle), the angles are handled at a resolution of 0.0001° by default. A range of n * 360° where n=1190 is then programmable.

At a resolution of 0.0001°, angles are possible within a range of

(-2.14 ... +2.14) * 105 / 360 = 2 * 594 revolutions.