Axis errors from the motion controller

The motion controller uses the axis-specific interfaces of the HLI to provide messages about an axis for the PLC. The information is exchanged via a data structure of the type HLI_ERROR_SATZ.




    error_id         :  UDINT;  (*Error number*)

 (*System time when error occurs*)

fb_zeitangabe: HLI_FB_ZEITANGABE;

    bf_type          : WORD;    (*BF type*)

behebungs_klasse: WORD;    (*Error rectification class*)

reaktions_klasse: WORD;    (*Error response class*)

    reserved         : WORD;



Instances of the FB MCV_Axis check this axis-specific area in every PLC cycle because these are instanced in the MCV_P1_PLATFORM program and must be integrated first in the PLC task in conformity with the explanations in Section of this program description. The MCV_Axis extracts every newly occurring message and transfers it to the AXIS_REF structure of the assigned axis, which contains one field for six data structures of the type HLI_ERROR_SATZ.

If a message has been classified as an error, the MCV_Axis instance sets the current state of the axis state diagram (AXSD) to ERROR_STOP



Error messages are all those messages for which the value of the variable is behebungs_klasse > 0.

If the value of behebungs_klasse = 0, the message is a warning.

The ERROR_STOP state is detected by the other PLCopen FB instances to which the same axis is assigned. Consequently, they set their "Error“ output variable to TRUE and the value 1 (ERR_PLC_AX_MC, see P-ERR-40001) is indicated at the “ErrorID” output variable.