Influence on feed (P-CHAN-00066)


Influence of override on feed


This parameter defines how feed is calculated in conjunction with path feed override.

This means, for example, the parameter sets whether the override bandwidth is applied to the programmed feed or to the minimum programmed feed and the maximum permissible feed in the block (vmax). The CNC calculates the feed based on the permissible axis dynamics.


Value 0 for P-CHAN-00066:

v = MIN (vprog,vmax) * Override

If this parameter is set to 0, a change of override always leads to a change of velocity in the machine (linear correlation).

Value 1 for P-CHAN-00066:

v = MIN (vprog* Override, vmax)

If this parameter is set to 1, the override always refers to the programmed feed. If the maximum feed in the block is smaller than the programmed feed multiplied by the current override, the current path feed is not changed when there is a change in override.

Value 2 for P-CHAN-00066:

Calculation is executed

  • as for the value 0 provided there are no active functions that reduce velocity. For example, REDUCED_SPEED, REDUCED_SPEED_ZONE, IPO_ACTIVATE_TCP_VEL_LIMIT
  • as for the value 1 provided there are no active functions that reduce velocity


If velocity drops are not desired for technological reasons, this parameter must be set to 1.



Data type


Data range

0: Change in override causes a change of velocity.

1: An override change only causes a velocity change if the programmed
feed * override < maximum permissible velocity in the block

2: Override effect in conjunction with reduced velocity (available as of Build V3.1.3079.42)



Default value

