Calculation mode for encoder's actual position (P-AXIS-00448)
P-AXIS-00448 | Calculation mode for encoder actual position for additive encoder (PROFIDRIVE) | |
Description | If parameter P-AXIS-00447 is set to 1, this parameter (P-AXIS-00448) must specify the calculation mode for the encoder actual position. There are two modes for this. | |
Parameter | antr.profibus.encoder[i].read_abs_pos_mode | |
Data type | STRING | |
Data range | DRIVE_POS: The absolute position transferred by the encoder is adopted as the actual position after any necessary format adjustment (default). COMBINED: Bits 31 … shift_xist1 are taken from the absolute position returned by the encoder, while bits 0 … shift_xist1 - 1 are taken from GX_XIST1. See also the figure below. | |
Axis types | T, R, S | |
Dimension | T: ---- | R,S: ---- |
Default value | DRIVE_POS | |
Drive types | Profidrive | |
Remarks | The COMBINED calculation mode may only be used if the drive's motor encoder returns an actual position that is absolute within one motor revolution. If applicable, consult the manufacturer's documentation. |